Saint Augustine’s University is committed to communicating information pertaining to COVID-19. The dashboard will be updated every Friday. We hope this information is useful to the entire SAU community for providing important, up-to-date information about the COVID-19 situation on campus.

Tests Completed by SAU Since the Start of Spring Semester


Cumulative Positives Since Start of Testing Spring 2022






Total Active Cases (Last 10 Days)
Total Active Cases (Last 10 Days)






Percentage Testing Positive Since Start of Testing


Updated April 29, 2022

Test results reflect PCR and rapid tests administered. All data are provisional and subject to change. One especially meaningful change results through PCR tests that are given on a particular day, for which we do not receive results until up to 48 hours later. We count the tests on the day that they were administered. We also attribute positives to the day on which the test was taken. This may lead to the number of cases reported on a given day increasing a few days later. This gives a more accurate sense of how case numbers are changing over time.


If a member of the SAU community tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to isolate for 10 days and monitor for symptoms at home or in a designated isolation location in a University facility.


If a member of the SAU community is determined to be a close contact of an individual (on or off campus) who tested positive for COVID-19, they will be required to quarantine for 7 days with a negative test result (test result must occur in day 5 or later) or 10 days without testing if there or no symptoms. Quarantine will occur at home or in a designated quarantine location in a University facility.


SAU conducts close contact tracing when students and employees test positive for COVID-19. SAU utilizes the following definition of a close contact: Any individual within 6 feet of an infected person, masked or unmasked, for a cumulative time of 15 minutes starting from 2 days before symptom onset for symptomatic individuals and 2 days prior to positive specimen collection for asymptomatic individuals. This means that individuals who inform the contact tracer that they have maintained at least 6 feet physical separation in a classroom or congregate setting will typically not be considered a close contact. Close contacts of a positive case are contacted by the SAU Contact Tracer and may also be contacted by their respective county’s health department. Once contacted they are provided instructions on the need to quarantine for the recommended period of days as outlined by current CDC guidelines, provided self-monitoring instructions and students receive daily communications from the Gordon Health Center. Arrangements for student support if needed during the quarantine period are coordinated by the Gordon Health Center with campus partners such as Housing, Dining and Dean of Students. If contacted by the SAU Contact Tracer, you will be asked to identify yourself and please be honest and forthcoming with information on close contacts so all those who may have been exposed can be contacted.